1. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to take item 4 in private. 2. Operation of the Public Sector Equality Duty in Scotland: The Committee will take evidence from— Clare Gallagher, Human Rights Officer, CEMVO (Council of Ethnic Minority Voluntary Sector Organisations) Scotland; Jatin Haria, Executive Director, Coalition for Racial Equality and Rights (CRER); Lindsey Millen, Head of Policy and Development, Close the Gap; Jill Wood, Policy Manager, Engender; and then from— Dr Pauline Nolan, Head of Policy and Engagement, Inclusion Scotland; Rohini Sharma Joshi, Diversity and Inclusion Manager, Age Scotland; Vic Valentine, Scottish Trans Manager, Equality Network. 3. Operation of the Public Sector Equality Duty in Scotland (in private): The Committee will consider the evidence it heard under agenda item 2. 4. Civil Legal Aid Inquiry: The Committee will consider its approach to the inquiry.
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